On Wednesday 12 January 2005 12:21 pm, Tom Brinkman wrote:

Hi Tom.

>    Three ideas; you ran out'a disk space or ram/swap or failed to
> limit upload rate. Another consideration is you need to be very
> careful on movie torrent sites.  Most are uploaded (the torrent
> file) by really clueless Winblow$ users.  Some are redirects to
> WaReZ sites.  Some are malicious, not a worry for Linux, as they
> are targeted to fsck'up Win$ux boxes.

I've got 800 megs of swap, and 25 gigs of HD space free on /home. I also had 
the upload rate limited to 6.

>    Using these cautions, I haven't encountered too many bad
> torrents.. yet. But if seeds disappear, a bad torrent could still
> tryin keep messin with you.   IMO, torrents are the least
> desirable way to get movies.  Without the 'bad' problems, some
> are only an archive of corrupt .rars, with no par files for
> repair.  Avoid 'cam' movies too.  Many Windoze user torrents are
> erroneously encoded (aspect ratio), and you'll need to use
> mencoder to fix 'em.

I agree here - 99% of cam movies suck royally. :-)

>     So next time you try a torrent, monitor memory use (top), and
> monitor the d/l directory's partition for disk space (df) from
> early on. 'kdirstat' is also useful for this.  Also check your
> ~/.xsession-errors file to make sure it's not inflating rapidly.

I'll keep all these suggestions in mind, thanks much.

Don't know though - after all this trouble I think I'll just buy the darned 
DVD. <grin>

>     If you want further opinion, you'll need to send me the
> torrent file.

Thats just it - I don't have it - I believe it was the odd file that 
reiserfsck kept deleting, when --rebuild-tree ran.


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