On Tuesday 01 March 2005 07:59 am, Julie Sloan wrote:

> > Was it harder adapting to XP, or Linux?
> Linux was harder, no question about it.

Just shows how truly different peoples experiences can be. I started out in 
computing in 1983 with an Atari 800Xl. Moved up to the Atari ST line around 
1985 or so. Kept right on, keepin' on with an Atari Falcon, one of which, in 
a highly modded form, I have to this day. I ran MINT on it - a Unix, Linux, 
FreeBSD variant. After Atari Corp folded for good, and I needed something 
newer, it was almost with a feeling of "I'm home" that I installed Mandrake 
v7.0 on my first hand-built PC.

Then my sons wanted a Windows 98 partition on their comps for games that 
weren't available under Linux.

Oh my God! - the shock of actually using that POS software. Ugh and a half!

So for me, I could never look at Windows as easier.

Amazing how different perspectives can be, isn't it? (Not right or wrong, just 
different).    :-)


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