Well, I just had occasion to (re)use the Easy URPMI site at:


and I'm having problems with it. I can go through the 3 steps, but no matter 
how many times I do it, or what browser I use, or which site I use, it always 
displays 10.1 as the distro in the cut 'n paste section, when 9.2 is what I 

So I thought, no biggie, I'll just manually change 10.1 to 9.2 in the command 
once I've got it in a shell. Tried that...multiple times, but it always 
searches the site(s), says its unable to do its thing and quits out.

So what happened to the easy in Easy URPMI? ;-)


PS Well, I just tried the PLF non-free and free, and those worked by changing 
the 10.1 to 9.2, but the others still won't work. :-(

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