OK...lets get this straight...to flash the BIOS, you go to your motherboards
home page...look up the exact MODEL # you have, with the SAME BIOS mfg. ( in
some years due to supply problems, different BIOS mfg's were put on the same
model of mobo ) then get your BIOS from them...as far as I know alot of the
older BIOS' were _NOT_ flashable. Flashable BIOS has only been in the last 4 -
7 years as a standard. But most/all of them in the last few years have been

Most of the BIOS' for different mfg's of mobo's are specific to thier
chipsets, eg: ABIT PX5 with AWARD BIOS, has a different chipset/buses/etc than
an ASUS P5A with an AWARD BIOS
So my advice is to get MAKE/MODEL/BIOS MFG. of _YOUR_ mobo, and go get the
correct flash file.  Also read the directions and understand them.:)

Rial Juan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Uhh, dude... Upgrading a BIOS is free; all you gotta do is download the
> flash-utillity and the new image from the manufacturer's site. Be warned
> you can not switch from one brand of BIOS to another, AFAIK; you'll have to
> with the same brand, but you'll get a higher version. See my other post on
> for more details, or if you already deleted it: too bad, so did I ;-)
> You can check out http://www.drivershq.com/List/bioslink1.html though.
> On Apr 21 David Thiessen wrote:
> > you can definately upgrade a bios.  one that i have seen raves about
> > is mrbios (www.mrbios.com).  their bios' are supposed to be awesome,
> > i want to upgrade my AMIBIOS xxxxCPOR bios, but, I havent saved the
> > money yet...
> -- 
> Rial Juan                        <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
>                 e-mail:              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Belgium            tel:                    (++32) 89/856533
> ulyssis system admininstrator       <http://www.ulyssis.org>
> The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
> That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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