On Wed, 24 May 2000, you wrote:
> during the boot up messages when you run the install disk, do you see
> references to the cdrom drive being found? 

No,  but I think this is because the cdrom is attached to a sound card.  I
tried something simailr with on old 486 and worked.  cdrom.img managed to get
the cdrom as sbpc.

Any ideas?



i just installed red hat 6.0
> on a very old vlb 486 on account of mandrake being i586 optimised and i
> had loads of difficulty, after messing with changing master/slave
> options for the drive and using a different ide interface i eventually
> got a reference to 'hdd atapi 8x cdrom found' in the messages scolling
> on the screen at boot up, prior to this i had the problem with not being
> able to find an appropriate module and i noticed at that time that only
> the hard disk was being 'found' at boot up
> bascule
> mendes wrote:
> > 
> > Hello
> >         I am trying to install Mandrake-7.02 (486 iso) on a 486 PC/33 with
> > 20MB and 2 HDs: 210 MB and 1.08 GB.  It has a CD (Creative 1220 E) attached to a
> > Sound Blaster Card 16. I created a boot disk using a cdrom.img. I tried all the
> > modules for cdrom available (sbpc etc.) and got nothing.  The cd is working
> > pretty fine on Windows.  I run out of ideas.  Can you help me?
> > 
> >         Thanks  a  lot.
> > 
> > Eduardo

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