>From what I understand...Audio CD's are _NOT_ mounted...just click your
preferred CD player.

"nikolaos mpenias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can i mount an audio cd?
> I can use them when i run an audio CD player with no problem, but when i try

> to mount the cd from a terminal i get the message:
> "/dev/cdrom: Input/output error
> mount: /dev/cdrom has wrong major or minor number"
> Why is that?
> I have vi-ied the "/etc/filesystems" file with these possible file formats.
> vfat
> iso9660
> cdfs
> cdudfrw
> joliet
> iso8859-1
> cdda
> au
> audiocd
> None is working. Which is the one for audio CD's? I cannot find sth 
> appropriate anywhere on the internet. You are my last hope.
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