
An SQL database accessed and maintained with PHP might work for you.
You might want to take a look at that one...I used to used SQL and PHP with
am fairly confident that you could get this running on Linux. PHP is
somewhat similar to Perl so
if you have some knowledge there (which I would assume you do based on the
Linux experience)
it so should not be hard for you to pick it up.

Check the PHP site for more info:



----- Original Message ----- 
From: Darryl Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Website

> Hi list,
> A club I belong to wants to create a web site to track it's membership's
> status, attendance, activity participation etc...
> The club would like the web site to have the following features:
> Accessibility to all members, but not the world. (or just the top page
> open to the world, and the sub pages "hidden."
> Officers and designated members, can maintain and update the site, but
> not the general membership.
> The web page will be on a "free" ISP providers machine.
> Our Oracle guru passed on the project, so being the clubs Linux "guru,"
> and not knowing any better, I volunteered to take on the project.
> So today I went in search of a Linux database on Freshmeat, and MUO, and
> was dismayed not to find a database application. Nor did I find any
> apps. in KDE that would seem to fit the bill.
> Any suggestions on how I might accomplish this task?
> Can Netscape Composer handle this task, or do I need something more
> powerful?
> Do I need an HTML compliant database? CGI?
> Can Gnumeric function as a database?
> Darryl Gibson
> Linux Neophyte (tm)
> This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

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