Try this proceedure again...but turn the volume up on your speakers.  The
sample sound is at a very LOW volume and low sound quality, then go into
KDE/GNOME and ENABLE system sounds.

worldly linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First let me say , WOW. This Mandrake Install is the
> best Linux install that I have come across. It's a
> huge welcome after trying to work with FreeBSD.
> The install went well with one exception. My sound
> card is not working. I tried using DrakConf and it
> responded with "generic" but then when the little
> sample sound test is playing I can not hear the sound.
> Is there a command that will tell me what type of card
> I have ? I really have no idea. The laptop was given
> to me awhile back. I remember that the sound worked
> under RedHat so I know it has some sort of card......
> Dell Latitude LM Laptop
> Mandrake 7.0 (MaximumLinux CD)
> Thanks
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