Did you install some sort of translation table on the 10 GB to let the Dell
BIOS see the entire 10GB size?

Romanator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have been trying to install MDK7.1x on to my older Dell Dimensions XPS
> 200s MMX('ala 1997). 
> I have a two drives configured with a Creative CD-ROM and Iomega ZIP
> drive. The original OS is Win95.
> Original Hard Drive (sorry I do not have the name)
> A) 3 Gig. drive connected the first bus (I'm not sure of the brand
> name)->has Win95 on 1st partition
> Recent Hard drive (Fujitsu)
> B) 10 Gig. drive connected to the second bus (Fujitsu - purchased last
> year)-has Win98SE on 1st partition
> MDK Installation 7.0
> MDK7.0 never installed on the 10 Gig. as it went to text mode and
> appeared to not recognize the hard drive. All I could see was the large
> penguin in the top left corner while slowly scrolling up line by line.
> The MDK7.0 installation CD is for Pentium i586 and higher.
> MDK Installation 7.1 Helium
> So then I tried MDK 7.1. The installation got as far as searching and
> configuring IDE and then it froze.
> I tried stopping the installation and it finally blacked out to DOS. The
> message indicated that some of drivers were older and may have to be
> upgraded? Has any one experienced anything remotely similar?
> This is a 10 Gig. Fujitsu, and its not that old.
> It appears that the configuration may be a bit screwed up after adding
> the additional hard drive.
> Actually, I had a colleague configure this.
> Any ideas?
> Roman

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