ozgur cagdas wrote:

> dear newbies;
> i have 128mb sdram running on my system. My bios, windows and benchmark
> programs detect it as 128mb too. but under linux mandrake 7.0 i see it as
> 64mb. I made a little search and learnt that ive to add line
> "append="mem=128M"" at the end of my lilo.conf file but it didnt work too,
> at least i think so, because my linux system resource meter still shows it
> as 64mb. If my config were succesfull it would show 128mb, right?
> im a little bit confused about this, pls help. tnx all!

First a 'standard' questions: have you done a "lilo" (as root) after you have
changed your lilo.conf?
Next: which mobo are you using? explanation: I have a Abit BP6 with 256 mb -
it would not see more than 64 mb! (like in your case BIOS and Windoze could
see it all). An BIOS-upgrade solved the problem.
It's not to say if it can help you, but give it a try
Good luck
Mogens Jęger

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