
I take pleasure in responding to you publicly, despite the fact that I still
don't think this list is the place for this conversation.

I have no idea why kids kill each other, and I don't care that your school
had a rifle range, your school was most likely segregated as well,
that does not mean it was right, that means that is just the way it was.
Personally I was shooting a .22 rifle when I was 13 years old at Boy Scout
camp, does that mean I am going to go out and attack people with it. No. And
I never implied that you would do the same. Things change, ideas change and
society changes. You can't solve the problems of the present and future with
ideas from the past, they don't work. They are simply outdated. I don't want
to get rid of the second amendment at all, because the very thought that I
may own a weapon keeps the idiots out of my house. However you should
recognize that the amendment that grants the right to bear arms (the 2nd)
included the provision only because the United States did not have a well
armed militia ready for combat, and ready to defend the citizenry should the
need arise to do so, therefore it was a requirement to bear arms in the 18th
century. Do I want to take away your guns? No I do not. Do I want to take
away guns from children, yes I do, do I think a mandatory 7 day federal
waiting period should be required on firearms purchased? Yes I do. Do I
think that people who allow access to firearms to minors should be subject
to the same criminal punishment as the minor who committed the act? Yes I
do. Do I think you need to have an automatic rifle to defend your home, or
to hunt a wild animal? No I do not. Do I want to take "gun rights" away from
people? No I do not. The bottom line is this, states control gun laws, not
the federal government, in the state I live in (FL) it takes less time to
buy a car than it does to purchase a weapon, granted both are equally as
dangerous when not used with care. However the purpose of a car is simply
transportation, that is not the case with a weapon. The federal government
needs to handle gun registrations and gun laws, not the states. One of my
problems with Bush arises from the fact that he has openly stated "that
should be controlled by the states..not the federal government" on several
occasions. This leads me to believe that he is going to take this stance on
most cases where the states may be involved in a decision of law, and to me
that means a weaker federal government. Of course the only ads or things I
have heard him say are negative comments towards his opponent, and that also
leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The Republican party has spent so much
effort and so much time attempting to make the Democratic party look bad
(and granted the Democratic party has played right into it with thoughtless
acts) that they have weakened themselves by not developing any strong
leaders in the party. After this happened they turned to Bush, he has money
and he has his fathers credentials (which based on his Presidency, and the
state of the economy when he left office) are shaky at best, still, he is
their best candidate and rather than have him (or allowing him the freedom
to display some leadership initiatives) to discuss issues they have him
attack Gore at every turn on a morality bent. Granted Gore has made it easy
with his unbelievably inept claims, such as the fact that he "invented the
internet". But at least he is sticking with issues (for the most part) as
opposed to attacking Bush at every turn with a dirty campaign.

How do we fix the problems in this country? I think getting away from the
electoral college would be a good start, at least it would be an attempt to
get the special interest groups from controlling every election and might
make our votes count. I have plenty of other ideas but I think I have
rambled long enough, if you would like to share your views, or you would
like hear more about what I have to say, please e-mail me privately and I
will discuss them with you.

Do you still think of me as puppet?


----- Original Message -----
From: hugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

> I must say I have never heard a line of **** like yours!
> Did you know your hero claims to have been in combat?
> Did you know he never was? Did you know that gun owners
> are not all puppets? But sir you sure do sound like one.
> Typical short term fix. Dont fix the problems you start.
> No way! Blame the tools. Your right! You sure are.
> Then tell me one thing, Why do kids kill each other?
> We had guns thrity years ago, Hell my school had a rifle range
> 45 of us shot nearly every day. But I know I am just a puppet right?
> But what is the answer? I know you wont be able to tell me
> Hell you are just a sock puppet yourself!
> Now you have a nice day and please write when you chose too.
> Just remember I dont talk to socks :)
> PS. Not one death was caused by a single student!
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > Ok, I see that every right wing, gun toting, special interest puppet
that is
> > on this list is attempting to suck me into a political debate.
> > I refuse to get into such a battle on this list as this forum is not an
> > appropriate area for discussion of such things, however if you feel the
> > to push your agenda down my throat and explain to me why someone with a
> > history of hard drug abuse who would not be anywhere at all without his
> > oil-baron (who nearly bankrupted the country, while himself attaining
> > wealth)  father's political connections, and who could not even manage
> > run a baseball team, or do anything more in Texas than execute people,
> > who has openly stated he wants to use federal money to pay parents to
> > their children to private school, yet maintains that he will not
> > more federal money for schools because "education is the responsibility
> > the state, it's not a federal problem, so we shouldn't spend federal
> > there, it's wasteful" would be a good choice for president, please do
> >
> > You can flame me at the following e-mail address:
> >
> >
> > Fritz
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 3:02 AM
> > Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > > On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Ronald J. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I agree that this is better left somewhere else...but I can't help
> > it...I'll
> > > > never vote for a potential president whose agenda includes
> > the 2nd
> > > > amendment in order to achieve the (dubious) honor of removing
> > from
> > > > Americans!
> > > >
> > > > I say again...never.
> > > >
> > > Amen and pass the ammo.
> > >
> > > --
> > > #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
> > > | Ken Wahl, CCNA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key ID:  3CF9AB36 |
> > > | PGP Public Key: |
> > > #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--> Powered by Linux Mandrake <--=-=-=-=-=-=-#
> > >
> > > Linux up 3 days, 45 min, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.00
> > --
> > I am NRA...hear me ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> >
> > Jay
> > "May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your
> > heart with gladness, that stays forever after."
> > "May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."
> >
> --
> Main's Law:
> For every action there is an equal and opposite government program.

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