Yes it will.
You shouldn't have any problems doing a fresh install.
You can probably get back into your wife's good graces, if you do not
format the /home partiiton ( it will leave all of her settings intact.)
Just make sure er user name is the same.
Good Luck

P.S. Are you sure you really have to do a new installation?
Can you boot into Linux with your floppy boot disk?

Riker wrote:
> Hello, again!
> I really screwed something up on my wife's Linux box (yes, she loves
> Linux and now she hates me!) and need to reinstall. It's a duel boot
> system with Win ME. If I do a fresh install of Linux, will it still see
> WinME? And if not, how do I go about keeping ME recognized on boot up?
> Thanks a million,
> Riker

     Eunice Thompson
Treasurer/Community Relations
Cerritos Linux User Group

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