Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> I'm using the standard KDE text editor and I have a
> problem/bug? with it. Under 7.1, I could open an e-mail
> text file, highlight something like "> > ", remove it using
> <cntrl> x, then do a <cntrl> r, followed by <cntrl> v to
> paste it into the replace box. I would then delete all of
> these in the text file by replacing it with nothing. Under
> 8.0 though, when I do this, I'm stuck at the screen, and I
> have to xkill it, can't even save. Any one know whats up
> with this? Thanks!

Ronald....I believe that I had this happen to me too.  
Because of certain window placement the applet that comes up 
saying that you've reached the end of the file, do you want 
to start from the beginning and requires a yes/no answer has 
appeared and immediately gotten buried under the main editor 
window and/or the replace applet.  If this happens to you 
again, drag the window and/or the replace applet clear of the 
buried/masked applet and answer no.  Then the lock-up will be 

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