hi... i had the same problem that yours.... closing not properly a Gnome
Session or closing not properly Gmc under kde, when you enter to kde, then
almost 10 icons appears and a session of gmc too.

in the 'command' part click on exit... i think this should work
----- Original Message -----
From: "C.H. Close" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 9 gmc's on the KDE desktop(Still)

> "D. Hoyem" wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello D.,
> > >
> > > Tuesday, September 04, 2001, 11:28:25 AM, you wrote:
> > >
> > > DH>   Somehow I now have 9 gmc's on my desktop and
> > > to
> > > DH> remove them I go to the bottom of the screen and
> > > DH> delete them one at a time.
> > > DH>   I'm using Mandrake 8.0 on a Dell 5450 Lpatop.
> > > What
> > > DH> do i need to do to stop this from happening.
> > > DH> Thanks.
> > > DH> Don
> > >
> > > That sounds like a problem I had when using the
> > > Gnome Samba program.
> > > It's like it doesn't unmount the connection and when
> > > you login it
> > > opens the "windows" and you have to close them each
> > > and every time.
> > > Check to see if you are severing the connections or
> > > if one of the
> > > machines is in the habit of "dropping" from the
> > > network.  I had a
> > > Windows 98 machine that would "lose" its' connection
> > > to my LAN.  After
> > > I cleaned the /tmp directory of the loose ends, no
> > > further problem.
> > >
> > > Also, I fixed the Windows machine... it's now a
> > > BeBox.
> > >
> > > (O.T. I am going to miss BeOS)
> > >
> > > --
> > > Best regards,
> > >  Preston
> >
> > Thanks for the response Preston,
> >   If memory servers me correctly I do not have Simba
> > installed and it isn't set.  This first happened when
> > I started it up as a stand alone machine, not
> > connected to my work lan.  This happened once before
> > on another system when I was using Mandrake 7.1 and
> > could never figure out why, so I did a reinstall.
> >   I would hate to do a reinstall again to get rid of
> > this.
> >   Anyone else with another idea?
> > Thanks
> > Don
> Don,
> I have had this problem and here is the the permanent solution.
> There is probably a bug in the scripts that write and modify the
> /$(HOME)/.kde/share/config/kmserverrc file. This file seems to contain
> the session information if you have used the save session option on
> logout. The problem is that when you uncheck the save session marker it
> doesn't seem to delete the session information so when you log back on
> it all just comes back again. If you look at line 6 of the file below I
> suspect (although I haven't proved it) that it is thiss command that is
> wrongly formatted. The problem is compounded by the fact that there is a
> save session option in the kde control centre which if turned on may
> save the session anyway with one realising it (irrespective of whether
> you use the save session option at logout). The option is under system >
> session manager. I haven't tested it but if I were you I would turn off
> the save session option there too.
> To correct the problem delete the stuff in the file as shown in the
> before and after files below:
> Close your session and restart and that annoying quirk should be gone.
> BTW it took me months to get so cross with it before I decided to
> investigate with scant regard for breaking anything.
> Regards,
> Colin Close
> BEFORE!!!!!!
> [General]
> saveSession=false
> [Session]
> count=2
> discardCommand1=
> discardCommand2=rm,/home/colin/.gnome//gmc-u6joce/[General]
> saveSession=false
> [Session]
> count=2
> discardCommand1=
> discardCommand2=rm,/home/colin/.gnome//gmc-u6joce/
> program1=kwin
> program2=gmc
> restartCommand1=kwin,-session,11c0a80001000099966367900000142460000
> restartStyleHint1=0
> restartStyleHint2=1083965442
> userId1=colin
> userId2=colin
> AFTER!!!!!
> [General]
> saveSession=false
> [Session]
> count=2
> discardCommand1=
> discardCommand2=rm,/home/colin/.gnome//gmc-u6joce/
> program1=kwin
> program2=
> restartCommand1=kwin,-session,11c0a80001000099966367900000142460000
> restartCommand2=
> restartStyleHint1=0
> restartStyleHint2=
> userId1=colin
> userId2=


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