Marlise Simons and the NYTon the ICJDecision on Serbia and Genocide in

A Further Study in Total Propaganda Service

Dear friends:

    What follows is self-explanatory. Upon learning about his cancelled
lecture, I wrote to him asking for his view of the situation. He answered,
but seems a bit anoyed. Too bad.....     Enjoy,    mm

    P.S. The letters are or your information, but not for wide
distribution. Thanks

-----Original Message-----
*From:* Peter French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* 11 March 2007 22:13
*Subject:* RE: Cancelled lecture

Mr. Mennard,

My lecture was so grossly misreported and misadvertised that I cancelled
it.  As it happens, I have nothing to say of any significance or interest
about Serbia or the former Yugoslavia.  I have no views about the situation
there now or in the past.  It is a pity that a technical philosophical
lecture on moderate moral reasons responsiveness and volitional necessity
was hyped to suggest that I was speaking about Serbs or the conflicts in the
Balkans.  Nothing could be further from my interests.  I will not send you
the paper because I do not distribute my work until it is published.  When
it appears I will let you know where you can access it, though I sincerely
doubt you will find it at all helpful to your concerns, unless your shift
your interests to metaethical analyses of the conditions of responsibility
ascription.  I was the victim of an unfortunate and ill-advised attempt to
put people in the seats for the Kent State lecture.  Enough said.

Best wishes,

Peter French


*Sent:* Saturday, March 10, 2007 4:08 PM
*Subject:* Cancelled lecture

Dear Mr. French:

    I have read about your announced lecture that was to be delivered at
the Kent State University,  but was cancelled because of allegedly
unprofessional, read unkind, uninformed and inconsiderate remarks about the
Serbian nation. I am not sure, nor do I have any proof of the veracity of
these opinions, but would like to see the text of your announced lecture
purely for my own information.

    I am a retired U.S. Foreign Service Information Officer, with 36 yers
of service mostly in  Near East and South Asia. with spot assignments in
Western and South East Europe. I also have a Ph.D. degree in History from
Georgetown University (1946). My thesis dealt with the developent of the
Yugoslav national thought, and thus my interest in your views of at least
one important segment of that "thought."

    I hope you will respond positively to my interest. I can be reached by
regular mail as stated  in address below, or by e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED],
or by telephone, 703/450-0789,

    In hope to hear from you shortly, I remain


Mennard, Ph.D
                                                           20804 Noble
Terrace  #312
                                                             Potomac Falls.
VA  20165

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