Hugo's alias basically creates a /alias/index.html file which contains a meta refresh. I managed to find something using an if which does the job, however using the map solution presented is much more elegant as it would reduce the redirects.

                if ($args ~ "^p=(\d+)") {
                        set $page $1;
                        set $args "";
                        rewrite ^.*$ /p/$page last;

I knew there'd be a simpler way and I due to the time of night I was struggling.


On 31/01/2020 11:28, Francis Daly wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 01:13:30AM +0000, Steve Wilson wrote:

Hi there,

Currently wordpress is using ugly urls for posts, so "/?p=1234" in wordpress
might be "/this_nice_title" in hugo.
Now hugo allows me to specify aliases too which I'd like to leverage to
maintain links, but this is where I seem to be struggling with rewrite/map

Am I missing a way to access the arguments?
Without knowing how hugo works, I would suggest ignoring its "alias"
feature for this, and just letting nginx invite the client that requests
"old", to instead request "new".

Assuming that you have the list of old-and-new urls that you care about,
and that the old urls are unique case-insensitively, then using a "map"
reading "$request_uri" (old) and writing, say, "$hugo_url" (new), would
probably be the simplest.

     map $request_uri $hugo_url {
       /?p=1234 /this_nice_title;

in http{} (add more lines as wanted), along with something like

     if ($hugo_url) { return 301 $hugo_url; }

in the correct server{}, should work, I think. (Untested by me!)

(Maybe change the "return" line to include "https://this-server$hugo_url";,
if you want that.)

(If all of your "old" requests have the same content from the first /
to the ?, then you could choose to isolate the "if" within the matching
"location = /" block for efficiency; there may be extra config needed
in that case.)$request_uri

Good luck with it,

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