    I ran some tests on a Sigma 70-200 HSM vs. my Nikon 80-200 F2.8
that might help you with your decision. Testing method as follows:
Shot as listed from F2.8-F11 and at focal lengths of 200mm and 80mm.
Target was a colored newspaper and results were printed on 8X10 paper
@ 16X enlargement. Film was Kodak Royal Gold ASA 25 to take film
grain out of the equation. Shots were all made on the same roll of film,

mounted on a heavy tripod and shot with an electronic release. The
refer primarily to sharpness, as that was my main concern.
This method is not scientific but darn practical.

    Identical @F2.8
    Nikon slightly better @F4
    Identical @F5.6, 8, 11

    Nikon obviously  better at all aperatures.

The autofocus of the Sigma was nice and smooth but didn't feel any
faster than the Nikon on my N90S (I've always wondered why a motor
was necessary for autofocus after using the current 80-200). The Sigma
seems to glide into focus while the Nikon seems to slam into focus. The
Sigma's manual focus overide is a great feature, while the Nikon's a
real pain to switch from auto to manual focus. This is the main reason
I was considering the Sigma, but the loss in sharpness at the short end
was too much to make the change. I do use the Sigma 300mm F4 lens
and it's tack sharp, so I'm not a Nikon only shooter.

Hope this helps!
Don Cooper

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 14:01:49 MET
From: Thomas Heissel Dall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 80-200/f2.8D vs. Sigma 70-200/f2.8 APO EX HSM [v04.n190/18]
Message: 18

Dear all,

I am considering a tele-zoom lens for the F90x I am going
to buy. Either:

Nikkor AF 180/f2.8D IF-ED
Nikkor AF 80-200/f2.8D
Sigma 70-200/f2.8 APO EX HSM

As you can see I consider only fast lenses. Does any of you have
experience with any of these? Are they easy handholdable with the F90x?
How do the Nikkors compare in terms of sharpness and price? Will I
loose 3D metering with the Sigma? How does the autofocus perform
with the Sigma?
I will be using the lens I choose with my FE2 as well. No problem with
that I expect, except that I loose autofocus and 3D metering?
Thanks in advance and happy shooting!

Thomas Dall

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