> >Was the launch of the F100 hurried because of us nikoneers clamoring
> >for a model to go against canonís EOS-3?
> Nikon rush - you must be kidding. Although, the brochure, in my
> may have been put together at a break-neck pace. A friend shot a
photo for
> the brochure just a few weeks before it went to print. It was such a
> amount of time that I thought he was doing it for another Nikon
> Also, the strange  looking vertical grip I complained about a few
weeks ago
> that is displayed in the back of the F100 brochure apparently was a
> model used for that one shot. (attribution: Nikon rep at the Atlanta
> Seminar) The grip does not have the large gap between the grip and
body as
> shown in the brochure thus we shouldn't have to worry about
> while shooting in the rain.

just what i said.  why did they use a photo of a clay model and on the
next page use the real thing... check out the differences of the
mounted MB-15 and the MB-15 on the accessories page.  if they weren't
in a hurry, would they do this?  why not use the real thing.  is the
photosecretary II existing already or is it still on the drawing
boards.  As i noted.  the F90X/N90s and the F5 have a provision to
have the AF single servo mode in release priority, and the AF
continuous servo mode in focus priority.  is this possible with the
F100??? how about the photosecretaryII???

happy shooting

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