> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 11:50:00 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Marcos H. Woehrmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: re: Image stabilizer [v04.n195/24] [v04.n197/8]
> A very quick search of www.patents.ibm.com turned up some interesting
> information.
> It does appear that Nikon is working on Image Stabilization.  They've
> been issued a lot of patents in the last few months that cover this
> area, for example:
> US5854947: Vibration reducing apparatus
> US5825546: "Macro" Photographic lens having long focal length and vibration 
>            compensation
        That 2nd one is interesting.
        End of last year I went to a Canon event where they had the new 
        toys: EOS 3, 35/1.4 and the 100-400/4.5-5.6 "IS".  The rep said 
        they had plenty more "IS" coming out in '99.  I asked if he could 
        elaborate, and of course he couldn't.  But he said, "personally,
        I'd like to see a macro lens with IS."

        Maybe he'll switch to Nikon ;)

        So, I don't know if that was a veiled hint at what he knew, or if
        he was just merely/truly wishing.

        Back to Nikon, let's not forget that Nikon *DID* make a P&S camera
        a number of years ago with image stabilization technology -- and
        they even used the name "Vibration Reduction."  It was the "VR 105"
        I believe (the lens was a zoom out to 105mm).

        Why VR never found its way into our SLRs would be an interesting
        story, I'm sure.

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