Hi Gang,
I was at my local camera dealer, here in Ottawa Canada, this afternoon and
he informed me that the F-100 has been delayed for a couple of weeks more.
In fact he has not been given an ordering part number from Nikon as yet. So,
I think that those of you waiting for this camera will be waiting a little
    I am interested as to why leaving the film leader out is so important to
everyone. It is definitely an oversight by Nikon but why is this such a
requirement?  When I want to shoot negative film, I do. And, when I want to
shoot slide film, I do. For those rare times that I need to rewind my film
to replace it with another ISO or negs to chromes or, you name it; I use my
trusty Kodak ML 135 Film Extractor. It cost me $15. It's easy as pie to use.
And I don't have to send my F5 to Nikon for an upgrade of the software. I
presume that professional shooters have more than one body at a shoot. Why
do they need the leader left out?
    I ask this out of interest. I'd just like to know why it seems to be so


" He who feels it, knows it. He who knows it, shows it."

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