>>AFAIK the Zeiss lenses are no longer made as production of the cameras
  stopped some time ago. The Kiev 60 is a Russian copy of a Pentacon 6 and
  Kiev lenses are supposed to be of good quality and still in production a
  full list and a source for adapters can be found at -


  Note that they also offer simular lenses in a native Nikon mount


  It seems they also have a mechanical Nikon mount SLR :-) >>

Yes, it used to be Kiev-19. Mechanical one. Could be a good piece, if not
so fragile and unreliable. Used it times ago as a backup to my FG-20. Still
I'm not very much nostalgic about that camera.


Peeter Vissak
Virtsu Society for Nature Education
Laheaare tee 1
Virtsu 90101, ESTONIA

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