Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 18:35:01 -0500
From: George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Future of the F5 [v04.n203/3]
Message: 3

Talking to my Nikon dealer today.  He, also the owner, said he was
told by Nikon
that the F100 might be cut significantly into the F5 sales.  He also
was told that
Nikon may not keep the F5 around much longer.

I disagree with this assessment. The F100 is missing at least two
things that have always marked the current top-of-the-line Nikon:

100% viewfinder
Interchangeable viewfinders

Both of these are important to many pro's, and I don't see them as
willing to give them up. 

I see the F100 as having most of the features of the F5 in much more
portable package than the F5, which is a heavy camera. One of the 'big
selling points' of the F5 is it's high speed motor. but truth be
known, how many people need 8 fps? Mostly sports guys, I suspect. Most
pros may want a motor but would be willing to cut the weight of the
camera in half by giving up 4 fps.

Personally, I think the N90s is more likely to be cut than the F5.
Remember, the F3 is still in production, after what, 20 years???


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