On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 7:38 PM, catshow <ga...@dynafocus.com> wrote:
> My scenario that I am looking at doing is this.
> Mac OS/X app xpc_message_send 'start'   --->  xpc_module with node.js
> embedded library initialized
> Mac OX/X app xpc_message_send 'do work'  --> xpc_module receive 'do
> work'  --> node.js event handling mechanism --> js client object
> on('message', function(message) { console.log(message); })
> So I am thinking that the binding would be a singleton and the client
> would just get messages forwarded to the singleton.

I believe you want to use EventEmitter, though I have no domain
specific knowledge
of xpc itself.

If you can add the event emitter from XPC through a libuv watcher, n
older example using
libev is at [1]. If XPC's event loop is different from the node event
loop, you might want to
run them in two different threads and use uv_async_send [2] to
communicate events across.
Once the event data is in the node loop it is simply a matter of using

If you could detail the XPC and node.js flows a bit more in your
specific use case,
I might be able to explain better.


[1]: https://bitbucket.org/nikhilm/xcbjs/src/317cf973ad77/src/xcbjs.cc
[2]: https://github.com/nikhilm/node-taglib/blob/master/src/taglib.cc#L347

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