On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:57 PM,  <yaiba.kurog...@interia.pl> wrote:
> Hello. I have old nvidia hardware (NV17) and noticed that some extensions
> are missing.They will be added in near future ? Anyone from nouveau
> developers actually working on driver for such old hw ???

A few months ago :
15:27 < curro_> hmm, or we could expose gl1.3 already, IIRC the only
thing left is cube mapping

curro is the one that resurrected the nv10-nv20 driver and got it to a
nicer state.
He seemed less active recently, so probably busy with other things
like work and/or life.

I guess it depends on what extension / what gl version you are talking
about and how complex they are to implement.
And I suppose they are all supported by the blob (nvidia proprietary driver) ?

(kept mesa in CC this time)
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