Hello, Nouveau devs!

 I would like you to know that I have a laptop with 2 Geforce GTX
285m cards on board in an SLI config, I know the SLI part is not
relevant at this point, but I still would like to offer my rig for
testing single card configs.  If you want to walk me thru what you
need me to do, just shoot me an email.

Matthew Kolar

This sounds like a perfect configuration to RE the inter-GPU communication used by GPUdirect. I don't have time right now to look at it, but I should be able to prepare some good instructions next week. Basically we'd need to do a combo mmiotrace + valgrind-mmt trace of a CUDA application utilising GPUdirect calls in various modes.

The 3d SLI functionality, as tested by me on double-nv50 under linux, appears to be implemented entirely using "normal" features - the special inter-GPU transfer circuitry is set up, but never actually used. May still be worth a trace on nvc0, though.

Marcin Kościelnicki
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