Hi Aaron,

My application that runs on NOX examines the packets and forwards them keeping the same VLAN ID tag. But how does the topology module tell the switches that they must send the LLDPs with a certain VLAN ID tag? The topology module is independent from my application and I can't controle it. If the topology module sends the LLDPs packets without the proper VLAN tag they won't be forwarded to my controller (because they won't belong to my FlowVisor flowspace).

This is just a supposition but I think this may be the cause of the problem.

Thank you for your help.

El 12/01/2012 16:25, Aaron Rosen escribió:
Did you do git checkout -b destiny

When the controller sends the LLDP packet it won't have a vlan tag. Once it leaves the switch, the switch will add your tag for you. I don't think that's the problem.


2012/1/12 Sergio Jiménez Feijóo <jjji...@gmail.com <mailto:jjji...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Aaron,

    I'm using the latest version (I think). I downloaded it from the
    git repository by the command "git clone git://noxrepo.org/nox
    <http://noxrepo.org/nox>" a few days ago.

    My flowspace consists on tagging all my trafic with a certain VLAN
    ID (VLAN 13). All the traffic tagged with that VLAN ID belongs to
    my flowspace. Is it possible that the topology component isn't
    sending the LLDP frames tagged with the proper VLAN ID? How can I
    force the topology component to send the LLDP frames tagged with a
    certain VLAN ID?

    Thank you.

    El 12/01/2012 15:33, Aaron Rosen escribió:
    P.S: Which version of nox are you running? I believe this works
    fine in destiny.


    2012/1/12 Aaron Rosen <aro...@clemson.edu


        I've encountered an issue like this before with flowvisor and
        the discovery module. The easiest thing to do is to change
        the lldp value in


           #LLDP_TYPE = 0x88cc
            LLDP_TYPE = new_value

        then add this new_value, ether_type to your slice.

        Hopefully that will do the trick.


        2012/1/12 Sergio Jiménez Feijóo <jjji...@gmail.com

            Hi guys,

            I've developed a NOX aplication which needs to use the
            topology component to discover the network topology. I've
            tested my application in a testbed of 6 Linksys WRT54GL
            running the OpenWRT Pantou firmware (without flowvisor)
            and it worked like a charm. Now I'm testing my aplication
            in a testbed of 5 NEC IP8800/S3640-24T2XW (with
            flowvisor) and the topology detection isn't working at
            all (the data struct is empty).

            Since OpenFlow allows an application to run in different
            devices I've discarded the fact of using new switches as
            the cause of the error. Therefore I think flowvisor is
            causing the topology component not to run properly. Is
            this possible? Have you experienced any problems with
            flowvisor and NOX?

            Thank you.


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-- Aaron O. Rosen
        Masters Student - Network Communication
        306B Fluor Daniel

-- Aaron O. Rosen
    Masters Student - Network Communication
    306B Fluor Daniel

    nox-dev mailing list
    nox-dev@noxrepo.org <mailto:nox-dev@noxrepo.org>

Aaron O. Rosen
Masters Student - Network Communication
306B Fluor Daniel

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