Can you please show us the code you are using to call send_openflow()?

-- Murphy

On Jan 17, 2012, at 1:40 AM, Peter Peresini wrote:

> Hi developers.
>  It seems that there is an inconsistency in python API (destiny branch) for 
> using buffer_id. Namely, "send_openflow" documentation states that buffer_id 
> -1 should be used to indicate no buffer but in the fact it tests for None.
> But apart from that, if you supply None to this function the call will fail 
> with the following error:
>  (openflow typemap) py argument to Buffer must be of type str, instead 
> received
> <nox.lib.packet.ethernet.ethernet instance at 0x7fbe65001b90>
> as far as I can tell, the problem occurs inside the call
>            self.ctxt.send_openflow_packet_acts(dp_id, packet, oactions, 
> inport)
> in the send_openflow_packet() function.
> Any idea what might be the problem? I can debug it even more if you tell me 
> where to find the implementation of context.
> Kind regards
>   Peter Peresini
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