
i might have missed a step on this, but i doing a matte painting inside nuke at 
HD. Some of my elements used for the painting are also at HD

My question is how do i crop parts of the elements that i want, reformat them 
to  the new crop size and then over them back on top of a HD base plate for my 
matte painting into the same place without having to manually transform them 
back into place from the bottom left.?

The reason i ask is because i eventually want to skew some images with a corner 
pine so that they match the perpective of my scene like you would do in 
photoshop but i want the corner to be the size of the new reformatted element 
not the HD plate it was taken from.

Unless there is a way to transform and skew objects like you would in photoshop 
or even the roto/paint node using the same onscreen controls

if there isn't such a feature i hope there will be one soon  

thanks for your time

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