Hi Gonéri,

2011/11/17 Gonéri Le Bouder <gon...@rulezlan.org>:
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 09:20:15PM +0100, Arnaud Quette wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hello all,
> I'm interest to start the integration on the agent side (local inventory).
> There no UPS here. Is there a way to emulate it?

I've attached an updated (and not yet published) version of the NUT
simulation info.
You will find everything you need to simulate as many UPS, PDU, (...) you want.
Since manpages links are broken, also use the online version:

> We provide tarball of Perl, FusionInventoy-Agent and the dependencies
> to simplify the inventory of the machine. Basicly, the sysadmin, has
> just to extract and run the agent.
> This is very useul when a decent Perl is not available and there is no
> compiler (for example, an ancient Solaris or HP-UX)
>  http://prebuilt.fusioninventory.org
> Is it possible to prepare a minimalist nut distribution just for
> local inventory and embed it with the agent? Does nut have a lot of
> external dependency itself?

NUT is included in small footprint appliances (10 Mb) such as Opengear
devices, so this should not be an issue.
A full (Ie including the world) distribution on Linux weights ~4 Mb
But you will be able to cut it down to 2Mb or even more... at least on Linux.
- 350 Kb for (5) USB drivers
- 94 Kb for snmp-ups
- 54 Kb for nut-ipmipsu
- 43 Kb simulation driver
- 200 Kb lib (nut client and scan)
- 14 kb nut-scanner binary
- 26 Kb for Nut.pm
- 51 Kb for upsd, but you can also directly talk to drivers and remove
upsd (ex: if you just want to launch drivers from time to time, to
update data...)
- ...

NUT depends on libc/equiv + libusb + libsnmp (Net SNMP) for your requirements.
For other options (SSL, IPMI, ...) requirements, check this chapter
and the following:

> Is it possible to use nut on Windows?

sure, NUT now runs on all OSs, including Windows (not yet as complete
/ mature as Unix versions), Linux*, OS X, BSD*, HP-UX, Aix, Solaris,
Qnx, ...

Windows and other packages are available:

Title: 10. NUT developers tools

10. NUT developers tools

NUT provides several tools for clients and core developers, and QA people.

10.1. Device simulation

The dummy-ups driver propose a simulation mode, also known as Dummy Mode. This mode allows to simulate any kind of devices, even non existing ones.

Using this method, you can either replay a real life sequence, recorded from an actual device, or directly interact through upsrw or by editing the device file, to modify the variables values.

Here is an example to setup a device simulation:

  • install NUT as usual, if not already done
  • get a simulation file (.dev) or sequence (.seq), or generate one using the device recorder. Sample files are provided in the data directory of the NUT source. You can also download these from the development repository, such as the evolution500.seq.
  • copy the simulation file to your sysconfig directory, like /etc/nut or /etc/ups
  • configure NUT for simulation (ups.conf(5)):

            driver = dummy-ups
            port = evolution500.dev
            desc = "dummy-ups in dummy mode"
  • now start NUT, at least dummy-ups and upsd:

    $ upsdrvctl start dummy
    $ upsd
  • and check the data:

    $ upsc dummy
  • you can also use upsrw to modify the data:

    $ upsrw -s ups.status="OB LB" -u user -p password dummy
  • or directly edit /etc/nut/evolution500.seq. In this case, modification will only apply according to the TIMER events and the current position in the sequence.

For more information, refer to dummy-ups(8) manual page.

10.2. Device recording

To complete dummy-ups, NUT provides a device recorder script called device-recorder.sh and located in the tools/ directory of the NUT source tree.

This script uses upsc to record device information, and stores these in a differential fashion every 5 seconds (by default).

Its usage is the following:

Usage: dummy-recorder.sh <device-name> [output-file] [interval]

For example, to record information from the device myups every 10 seconds:

tools/device-recorder.sh myups@localhost myups.seq 10

During the recording, you will want to generate power events, such as power failure and restoration. These will be tracked in the simulation files, and be eventually be replayed by the dummy-ups driver.

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