
I'll be retaining a bit more 2.6.4, since I'm still missing some
feedback and checks to maximize confidence...

> The remainder on my side is:
> - some completion on HP SNMP,
> - merge branch-var-range
> - merge LiebertPSP-2012-05-09.diff from Charles
> - a massive update on blazer HCL,

all this is done

> - shut switch (mge-shut->mge-shut-old ; newmge-shut->mge-shut)

this is still underway

> - some of my local XCP patches, if possible.

I'm not sure I'll be able to address this one, for budget and time constraint.
The same sadly goes for bestfortress...

Part of the feedback I'm waiting for:
- Michail, and the "ACK" check for blazer. The remaining tests and
feedback will allow us to replace bestups by blazer,
- Michal and Greg still have to check for the last apcsmart changes,
- Rich has reported a possible race condition in usbhid-ups. We're
investigating this, but Rich won't be able to test before next
- some bestfortress tests.

So, all in all, it's safer to wait one more week for this release.

Linux / Unix Expert R&D - Eaton - http://powerquality.eaton.com
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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