On Nov 20, 2014, at 7:11 AM, Jean Perriault (GM TAF) <jpweb....@gmail.com> 

> Hello,
> Here is a summary of discussions around NUT builds on Mac OS X 10.10.
> Starting from https://github.com/networkupstools/nut-website/issues/7
> @JeanPerriault
> I've found msort on macports 
> (https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/textproc/msort/Portfile, 
> http://billposer.org/Software/Downloads/
> msort.pdf), but I'm not sure where to implement it, should I replace all sort 
> ocurrences I find in code?
> @clepple
> I think checking for gsort in the configure script would be better (since 
> that is what is used when 'sort' is invoked on Linux), and then sort would 
> get replaced with @GSORT@ or whatever. However, when I mentioned via email 
> that the website doesn't build on OS X, I wasn't thinking that it needed to 
> be solved soon - we can build the website and documentation on Linux systems 
> for now.
> @aquette
> considering the context and limited impact, we could simply check for gsort 
> first, and then sort.
> --- a/configure.ac
> +++ b/configure.ac
> @@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ AC_PROG_CXX
> +AC_CHECK_PROGS(SORT, gsort sort)
> AC_CHECK_TOOL(RANLIB, ranlib, :)
> dnl Postpone call to AC_PROG_LIBTOOL to allow disabling static lib

Just to clarify, the sort error is only when building nut-website:

        sort: stray character in field spec: invalid field specification 

Also, you had mentioned dependencies for building documentation. This affects 
NUT non-website builds as well, but the list looks something like this:

        • asciidoc
        • asciidoc-a2x (if packaged separately)
        • docbook-xsl (symptom for Debian bug #635347; xsltproc will otherwise 
try to download DocBook files from the net)
        • dblatex

We are trying to reduce the dependencies needed to build the .tar.gz snapshots, 
so you might want to try one of them:


The snapshots include some HTML rendered versions of the documentation. (I 
think we are missing the PDF files.) They are generated from Git commits to 
branches in the main GitHub repository. If you have a branch you want to test, 
let us know and we can push it over.

Charles Lepple

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