On Aug 12, 2018, at 11:03 PM, Kevin Mychal M. Ong <kevindd992...@yahoo.com> 
> Hi,
> I installed apcupsd through pfsense and noticed some discrepancy with the NUT 
> package. I'm not sure if this is a bug regarding the BATTDATE (apcupsd) and 
> battery.date (NUT) but BATTDATE shows the correct date of 2016/05/11. While 
> NUT shows the battery.date as 2001/09/25 which doesn't make sense. Any ideas?
> Pfsense 2.4.3-RELEASE-p1 (amd64)
> NUT 2.7.4_6
> NUT installed through pfsense package manager
> Pfsense installed on PC Engines APU2C4 board
> I’m not sure how to get the logs for this issue. Can you please direct me on 
> how to do this in pfsense?

I am not familiar with pfsense, but as I recall, it is FreeBSD using the ports 
tree, so I'll give this a shot. I would welcome any corrections from those more 

First: which driver are you using? If you wouldn't mind sending logs that we 
could add to the Device Dump Library (DDL), we can post that for others to 
find: https://networkupstools.org/ddl/APC/index.html

One handy aspect of the DDL is that it shows what the driver returns, bugs and 
all. Hopefully, it will allow us to fix the issue you are seeing without 
causing a regression for others.

Instructions to gather info for HCL/DDL here: 

When it mentions 'upsc', 'upsrw' and 'upscmd', those all need to be run from a 
shell on pfsense. (They do not require any special permissions, and if upsd is 
listening on a network interface other than localhost, they could be run from 
another system with NUT installed.)

We might also need some lower-level logs, but the exact procedure will depend 
on the driver you are using (apcsmart or usbhid-ups).

One last thing: we have had some issues in the past with messages from 
yahoo.com ending up in spam/junk folders due to Yahoo's SPF/DKIM rules (or 
worse yet, unsubscribing other users from the mailing list). I would recommend 
using a different email address, or create an issue here: 
Nut-upsuser mailing list

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