2006/7/24, Charles Lepple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 7/23/06, Kjell Claesson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Phil.
> lör 2006-07-22 klockan 12:25 -0500 skrev Phil DeBoest:
> > I downloaded the latest development tree (revision 471), ran configure
> > with the following command:
> > ./configure --with-user=nut --with-drivers=tripplite-hid
> It bombs out on the make as the target is an usb driver. But it builds
> on the 'make usb'.

Actually, it looks like tripplite-hid is a sub-driver of newhidups, so
that could be confusing the configure script as well.

Kjell was right. a depend update was needed, and done this afternoon. Everything seems fine now.
But it's also right that the above call isn't good...

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
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