>> 2. Kebo UPS-1200M
>>    Driver: fentonups
>>    Config extras: none
>>    Note: Looks like twin brother of Microlab UPS-1200M :)
>>    Driver ask me to report ID string:
>>       "Unknown ups - please report this ID string: #KEBO        UPS-1200M  
>> VER3.1C"
>>    Sorry, but i don't know where I should send this one

> If you are using a recent enough version of nut, try using the
> "megatec" driver instead of "fentonups".

Thanks. Looks like it works, but I've got strange readings from
   20060924 233643 0.0 226.0 0.0 [OFF] 0.0 50.0
According that logline, my UPS is in shutdown state (upsc shows the
same), but UPS works fine. With using 'fentonups' it's works good:
   20060924 233653 100.0 226.0 000 [OL] NA 50.0
and it manage all events correctly (OL/OB/LB state, SD command).
Except, maybe, LOAD value: in both cases it shows 0% insted of 30% -
probable consumption of connected server. But this is not important
for my case.
I can't check other modes (response on OB<==>OL, LB state) because it
works hard right now.

P.S. I'm using NUT from FreeBSD ports collection (recent update is
2006-09-22) and its ver. 2.0.4. Comm vith UPS via RS-232.
Best regards,
 Sergiy                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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