Hi Dominik,

no, I don't think I have seen this device before. What is its
USB manufacturer and product ID (lsusb or usbview should show this, as
does the newhidups driver). 

If it is a HID device, then it should not be very difficult to support
it in NUT, if it isn't already compatible. 

Try the newhidups driver (called usbhid-ups in the newest SVN sources,
newhidups in the 2.0.5 release). If it doesn't recognize the device
("no matching devices found..."), try with -u root. If this doesn't
work, try the -x explore and -x productid=XXXX options and send the
resulting debug output.

-- Peter

P.S. could you please set your email program to encode text as plain
text or quoted printable, rather than base64? I use an ancient mail
reader and it shows your email like this:


> Hi!
> Is there any user of nut having this type of UPS? (
> http://www.pcmups.com.tw/product/iCute.html)
> It works nice under windows and also is detected under Linux and installed
> as USB HID device. There is problem however, as the software provided by its
> manufacturer (http://www.pcmups.com.tw/download/Download/UPSMON_USBV091.zip)
> doesn't seem to comunicate with the UPS at all. It shows messages sugesting
> that the UPS is connected and detected, but there is no action when AC is
> disconnected. The hardware is working fine, as the windows version of their
> UPS monitor instantly shows power surges and turns off the PC. I've sent
> mail to the manufacturer but received no reply so far.
> So, will nut work with this type of ups? In the compatibility list (
> http://www.networkupstools.org/compat/stable.html) there is enigmatic
> statement "various" in the Powercom section. Shall I have hope and download
> the package or just lie down and cry? ;)
> Dominik Gor±czkowski

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