Theo G. Kanter wrote:

> Thank you Arjen for pointing this out. After reading up on the man pages,
> I also fixed the MONITOR line in upsmon.conf to pointing to [powerware] as
> defined in ups.conf.

Ooops. I missed that one, but you've found that out yourself already. Good!

> So I redid this having stopped upsdrvctl and then
> starting nut, now without the upsdrvctl problem but still with the lost
> communications problem (see below). Do you have any leads what might cause
> this or places to look/check?

You're still using nut-2.0.4, do you? It might be helpful to upgrade to
the latest stable version (nut-2.0.5), since some startup problems (the
server starting when the driver isn't ready yet) were resolved.
Unfortunately, your /etc/init.d/nut script sends all information startup
to /dev/null, so I'm not sure if this is the problem.

It may help to see if you can connect to the server, to see if it is
showing information from the driver

        upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If all is well, this will display the variables your UPS supports.
Please post the output here.

Best regards, Arjen

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