On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 04:59:13PM +0200, Bernd Markgraf wrote:
> that's indeed not so good... the ietf mib reports them OL but misses some 
> values. like the 3 input phases, temperature etc and gives me
> battery.runtime.low of 1 which i think is not that good either...

Ooops, I really must bem in here. Long long time ago I have reworked 
the snmp-ups to handle 3-phase for both IETF and PowerWare mibs, but
I never gor around to committing them. Actually I have used them in
production for more than a year now :-( (on a PW 9390 with SNMP card)

On the other hand, I am off for three weeks of vacation starting sunday
so even it I could commit them to the trunk, I will not be around to
handle any horrors this may result in.

So I see two options: either I commit it, and leave the rest of you
with sorting any problems out, or I just mail my patch to relevant
persons on this list ...


Niels Baggesen - @home - Ã…rhus - Denmark - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers   ---   R W Hamming

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