> I just tried using the "upsmon -c fsd" while running the development
> NUT package. It caused the package to send the 'shutdown' command to
> the PC, which caused the PC to shutdown (gracefully), but the UPS
> never killed the power to the PC.
> Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought the sequence of events was
> supposed to be:
> - line power fails;
> - UPS notices and at some point, sends the 'shutdown' command to the PC;
> - the PC begins its normal shutdown sequence;
> - during the shutdown, after all the disk drives are safe but before
>   the machine actually halts, the PC sends a request to the UPS to
>   kill the PC's power (this is something I understood I had to add
>   to the PC's /etc/init.d/halt script)

Yes. If the power has returned at this time (or never went away), it will
send a 'reboot' command to the UPS, so that the PC will restart again.

> - the UPS kills the power to the PC;
> - line power returns;
> - the UPS see line power restored and restores power to the PC;
> - the PC reboots (because it is set to boot after power failure).

That is the idea.

> If this is correct, why would we think that "upsmon -c fsd" would
> cause the UPS to kill the power to the PC (without the changes to
> /etc/init.d/halt)?

It won't. I assumed you already did that. Sorry for that.

Best regards, Arjen

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