hanji wrote:

> Strange. Looks like my init script already does this:
> start() {
>         ebegin "Starting upsd"
>         # clean up first
>         pkill -u root -x upsd
>         sleep 1s
>         rm -f ${pidfile}
>         # now start up
>         start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/upsd
>         eend $?
> }

No, that's the server. It is the driver that is causing the problems:

Can't connect to UPS [apc1] (usbhid-ups-apc1): Connection refused [ ok ]

As I already wrote before, stopping a driver is an asynchronous process,
which may take some time. On a reasonably fast system (almost all
systems nowadays) the driver may not have stopped, so a new driver won't
start. But the driver is already scheduled to stop, so it will suddenly


>> From looking at the above, I have my doubts about your UPS'es. Basically
>> all it is responding is 0 or 1. Nevertheless, post the first few seconds
>> worth of output from the command
>>      /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -DD -a apc1
>> and we'll see what we can do. This will hopefully provide enough
>> information to tell what the heck is going on.
> Here is my output:
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> dstate_init: sock /var/lib/nut/usbhid-ups-apc1 open on fd 5
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 2 HID Objects...
> battery.charge = 100
> battery.runtime = 1387
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 3 HID Objects...
> ups.status = !chrg
> ups.status = !dischrg
> ups.status = !off
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 2 HID Objects...
> battery.charge = 100
> battery.runtime = 1387
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 3 HID Objects...
> ups.status = !chrg
> ups.status = !dischrg
> ups.status = !off
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 2 HID Objects...
> battery.charge = 100
> battery.runtime = 1417
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 3 HID Objects...
> ups.status = !chrg
> ups.status = !dischrg
> ups.status = !off
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 2 HID Objects...
> battery.charge = 100
> battery.runtime = 1447
> upsdrv_updateinfo...
> Waiting for notifications...
> =>Got 3 HID Objects...
> ups.status = !chrg
> ups.status = !dischrg
> ups.status = !off
> Signal 2: exiting
> Closing device

You trimmed off the initial (and most interesting) part of the startup
of this driver. Don't do that, unless we ask you to do so.

Best regards, Arjen

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