Carlos Rodrigues wrote:

>> When you have only one UPS in your network, this might work. Otherwise,
>> one UPS going offline might cause all clients to shutdown. This is
>> probably not very desireable.
> What I had in mind was more of a centrally managed configuration, than
> no configuration. For example, extending ACLs to include the name(s)
> of the UPS powering the specified system (or subnet), plus a
> repository of default configurations for upsmon. The clients would
> only specify the address of the server, nothing more, and then all
> future configuration changes could be done on the server, without
> client intervention. Clients would have the possibility of modifying
> their own configuration, but that would be the exception, not the
> norm.

We already have something for that, for exactly the reasons you
mentioned. There is an undocumented option in upsmon since SVN version
613, which also made it into nut-2.2.0. You can specify a configuration
file on the startup command line through

        upsmon -f /path/to/config/file/

If you put this file on a centralized server, you can configure clients
to use a specific configuration from that server. If a client wants
something special, all that needs to be done is either creating a
special one on this server or use the build-in default file.

> Like I said, I kind of changed my mind about this because (although
> this would have benefits for large installations), the work required
> would possibly be overkill, but anyway...

Luckily you didn't, because we already have something like that... :-)

Best regards, Arjen

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