> Here's what I got from powerpanel:
> ./powerpanel -DDDDDDDD -a cyberups
> Network UPS Tools -  CyberPower text/binary protocol UPS driver 0.22
> (2.2.0)
> Warning: This is an experimental driver.
> Some features may not function correctly.
> debug level is '8'
> Trying binary protocol...
> send: (2 bytes) => 0d 0d
> read: timed out
> send: (2 bytes) => 46 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 20 bytes but only got -1
> send: (2 bytes) => 46 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 20 bytes but only got -1
> send: (2 bytes) => 46 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 20 bytes but only got -1

The above is what we would expect. The powerpanel driver first tries a
binary protocol @ 1200 baud. Your (text mode) UPS won't reply to that, so
tha't's OK.

> Trying text protocol...
> send: (2 bytes) => 0d 0d
> read: timed out
> send: (3 bytes) => 50 34 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 46 bytes, but only got -1
> send: (3 bytes) => 50 34 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 46 bytes, but only got -1
> send: (3 bytes) => 50 34 0d
> read: timed out
> Expected 46 bytes, but only got -1
> CyberPower UPS not found on /dev/ttyS0

Well, the above pretty much says it all. The UPS is not responding at all,
so unless Cyber Power changed the serial protocol they are using, there
must be something wrong with the serial port and/or the serial cable used
to connect the UPS. This certainly is not a permissions problem, since in
that case you wouldn't be able to send characters either.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

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