I am trying to build an rpm for nut-2.2.2 on 64 bit opensuse 11.0.

0. Packages previously built for opensuse 10.x have to be rebuilt since 
   opensuse 11.0 now compresses package payloads using lzma, which 
   according to the opensuse 11.0 release notes makes 10.x rpms unusable.

1. I downloaded nut-2.2.2.tar.gz

2. I recompressed as a bz2 as expected by rpmbuild

3. I extracted and copied ./nut-2.2.2/packaging/opensuse/nut.spec to 

4. I ran the command
   script -c "rpmbuild -v -ta nut-2.2.2.tar.bz2" rpmbuild.log
   and got the message

  error: File /root/nut/nut-2.2.2/nut-2.0.1.tar.bz2: No such file or 

In /usr/src/packages/SPECS/nut.spec I saw the lines 

%define version 2.0.1


Patch0: nut-2.0.1-lib64.patch.bz2

I'm not sure how to fix these - any help would be much appreciated.


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