
> Jun 27 17:03:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] upsd[14891]: Host
> disconnected (read failure)
> Jun 28 08:31:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED] upsmon[2327]: Startup successful
> Ok, We can see a serious issue there... My UPS shut down everything, due
> to failures with the drivers.

No. Whatever the problem with the drivers may be, this won't shutdown the
UPS. The upsmon client that is acting as master can either send it a
command to shutdown, or it dies because of empty batteries. A driver
failing to communicate with the UPS never will shut it down.

> This has occurred for me since I put the
> 'fixed' powerpanel driver patch in place.

Well, in that case you have pretty much only yourself to blame here. Not
testing your systems after setting up is a mistake, not fixing things if
you know/suspect it isn't working correctly even worse. You've just found
out the hard way that after setting up NUT, you *must* test your

> I run the RPM and have no
> problem like what is shown above, just not able to talk to the UPS and
> get the right value. Half the time with this I get errors of 'stale
> data' with NUT now as well.

You're not providing an awful lot of information here. Which version of
NUT are you using? What is the driver/server/client showing at startup?

> This has been one heck of a bad way to test the UPS, I know that, but
> right now I don't have much of a choice on this. What I need to know is
> if the newest stable version of NUT has the patched powerpanel driver in
> it, and if yes, I will test that.

As far as I know, it will work. But from the sparse information above,
this doesn't look like a driver problem. Providing the information asked
for, will probably indicate where the problem lies.

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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