Den Monday 27 October 2008 17.59.44 skrev Seann Clark:
> All,
Hi Seann,

>     What I am seeing that is the problem now is that the driver starts
> correctly, and initially displays information back from the UPS, but on
> any subsequent reads of the UPS, I get the error:
> Mon Oct 27-11:55:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:ups> upsc cyberpower-ups
> Error: Data stale

I'm not so familiar with the cyberpower driver. But I looked in the svn
and it seems that the powerpanel driver is on it's way to replace it.

Think Arjen is the one that know all about this.

>     I have just started seeing this error as the ups was moved to a
> newer system on a newer version of Fedora. the differences between the
> version was it was working on 2.1.x and not on 2.2.x. I would fall back
> to the old system but that was replaced due to catastrophic hardware
> failure, that wasn't power related.

If you can try out the powerpanel driver and report back what it say
and if you get the same data stale.

Or, is it possible that new setup inject noice into the communication cable?
I hade this on one ups, where I got a ground-loop with the cable.

> Any help would be appreciated though, and I can provide even more
> information if it is needed.


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