On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 19:13, Des Dougan <d...@douganconsulting.com> wrote:
> A client of mine has an APC Back-UPS 350 model (USB connected). His
> office had a power incident yesterday, where there was an interruption
> of about 30 seconds. During that time, the server shut down. As soon
> as it went on battery, the daemon initiated a shutdown. In checking it
> today, I see the ups.delay.shutdown setting is -1. I tried to adjust
> it, but could not do so.
> What does the "-1" setting mean? I Googled, but couldn't find anything
> relevant. Am I correct in assuming it is this setting that caused the
> immediate shutdown? Today, the UPS shows a load of 35, via the upsc
> command, so it doesn't appear it was overloaded.

However you may find that it almost immediately hit low battery (LB)
due to an aged and failing battery - a not uncommon problem.

You need to do a test to find out if that is the problem.  The real
world test is, of course, to pull the power from the UPS (while
watching the charge of the UPS).  More practically is to move
everything off the UPS and plug in a load (one or 2 100W light bulbs)
and do the same test, but not risking the server ;)

You'll find chapter and verse on this in the list archive.

                 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
      Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
        doesn't become a monster.                  Friedrich Nietzsche

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