fredag 17 april 2009 15:36:24 skrev  Greg:
> Hi Kjell,
Hi. Sorry for the delay.
> Thanks for the follow up. Answers below...
OK Greg, I can not locate the package you used for installing NUT,
but the device should be capable of running NUT.

I was thinking if HAL is enabled in the package so the 'hotplug' find
the ups on the bus and start the hal driver. Then it gives a conflict.

But I got a nice advise from our master Arnaud to enable debug for the libusb.
If you do 'export USB_DEBUG=3' you get some debugging info from the libusb
in your log. This may help to track down what happens.

One thing that is bothering me is that we may have a bug that I can't test.
The PW5115 is using a different way of handling the usb endpoint.
This is fixed a while back. But there may have been changes to the nut_usb.c
that have broken this. I can not see any wrong in the code, but as I don't 
have a PW5115 with usb, I can not test this.

But I know that we have some users running the 5115 on usb, and I have not
seen any bug report yet.

If you can test it on the Ubuntu installation we can rule out any buggs.


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