Arjen de Korte < <>> wrote:


> You missed reading the docs/suspend-to-disk.txt file, where it is
> explained how you should set this up. If you want to know the details
> about this, start reading the remainder of the documents in docs/
> before asking.
> Best regards, Arjen


That document would be really useful to know about!

I started out wanting to use this package, and I installed the
packaged version for my OS in the usual way, and read all the man
pages. No mention of suspend there.

I read through the online documentation on the web site. Nothing there, either.

So I downloaded the source to the latest stable release, and I read
everything in the /docs folder. Nothing there, no suspend-to-disk.txt
or any mention of suspend.

It was only at this point that I finally  made my first request to the
list for help!

Ok, now you told me there is a docs/suspend-to-disk.txt file, I looked
further. In the development release files on the web site. No, not

Can Google find it for me? No, it seems it hasn't been indexed anywhere either.

Given all this, no doubt it is somewhere obvious, when you know where to
look. But I was not planning to be a developer, just a user, and I have a
huge stack of work in front of me and Xmas coming up, and I would really
like to get this nailed down and move on, so if you could please point me to
the required documentation I would be most grateful.


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