Citeren Dushan Tcholich <>:


 /lib64/nut/blazer_ser -DDDDD -a munja -i 10
Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol serial driver 1.51 (2.6.0)
   0.000000     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.parameter.port "/dev/ttyS0"

Looks fine.


upsmon -DDDDD
Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.6.0
   0.000000     UPS: munja@localhost (slave) (power value 1)
   0.000153     Using power down flag file /etc/killpower
   0.000261     debug level is '5'
   0.001301     Trying to connect to UPS [munja@localhost]
   0.002166     Logged into UPS munja@localhost
   0.002184     pollups: munja@localhost
   0.002197     get_var: munja@localhost / status
   0.002279     Poll UPS [munja@localhost] failed - Driver not connected
   0.002290     do_notify: ntype 0x0005 (COMMBAD)
   0.002297     Communications with UPS munja@localhost lost
   5.002588     pollups: munja@localhost
   5.002617     get_var: munja@localhost / status
   5.002758     Poll UPS [munja@localhost] failed - Driver not connected
   5.002771     do_notify: ntype 0x0008 (NOCOMM)
   5.002781     UPS munja@localhost is unavailable
  10.003015     pollups: munja@localhost
  10.003048     get_var: munja@localhost / status
  10.003191     Poll UPS [munja@localhost] failed - Driver not connected
  15.003280     pollups: munja@localhost
  15.003309     get_var: munja@localhost / status
  15.003450     Poll UPS [munja@localhost] failed - Driver not connected

What am I missing?

What is the output of 'upsd' in the syslog telling you? Note that when running in debug mode, a process will terminate as soon as you close the terminal it is running in or when you kill it with Ctrl-C.

Best regards, Arjen
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