
2011/9/1 Dupdup Sys <dupdupsyst...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I am currently building a new server using debian amd64. Therefore I need
> to use my UPS EATON Evolution 1550 on it, using usbhid-ups driver.
> I installed nut with apt (version 2.4.3-1.1squeeze1) on debian 2.6.32-5
> amd64.
> I can currently use nut with the drivers, upsc and upsmon: my UPS is
> detected and works. Actually everything works except upssched: I can shut
> down the server using upsmon -c fsd. I didn't try yet but I think the
> automatic shutdown  would work either, the server should stop when the ups
> battery goes too low.
> However I definetely can't make upssched running, which is such a big deal
> because I would like to use the timer functions to have a shutdown after ten
> minutes without electricity.
> I created in /var/run/nut an upssched folder to contain the upssched files,
> made chgrp nut.nut and chmod 755. My upsmon.conf contains the NOTIFYCMD
> /sbin/upssched.
> Here comes the issue: I can't find any lead of upssched in
> /var/log/daemon.log. While usbhid-ups, upsd and upsmon have their entries in
> the logfile and are working, I can't find anything about upssched in the
> logs. Thereby I do think that upssched is inactive, but I am still wondering
> if the problem is not in upsmon: I tried several permissions, tried to use
> an other script in upsmon.conf, but didn't manage to have it working.
> Do you have any idea on how this could be solve ?
> Best Regards.

upssched is only active when needed, ie when upsmon fires it because of
execution triggers.

so you have to meet these conditions, ie switching on battery, ..., as you
have defined in upsmon.conf or as done by default.

note that /var/run/nut is created automatically when calling the nut init
script on Debian.

Linux / Unix Expert R&D - Eaton - http://powerquality.eaton.com
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
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