2012/6/10 Tim Gould <tgo...@reverb.com.au>

> I upgraded to trunk (3652) - it worked, but again with the seemingly
> spurious RB during DISCHRG.

more than a upsd trace, we need usbhid-ups (-DDDDD) to be able to see
what's going on...
Ie, is the device actually reporting RB
(UPS.PowerSummary.PresentStatus.NeedReplacement == 1...) or not.

> -DDD output attached. RB turns up just before battery.charge.low is
> reached (around 1551 sec), at the same time LB turns up too.
> Once a slave client (on the same UPS) shuts down battery.charge goes back
> up above battery.charge.low, so LB goes away, but RB stays.
> I didn't have upsmon running on this host so it ran until the battery was
> depleted rather than shutting down.

the above use case should not be a problem, since an initiated shutdown
(master + slave) will go to the completion.
a variation, where the above result is desired, is load shedding, where you
want to shutdown non critical loads, to get more runtime for the critical

> Hope this helps, thanks, Tim.

it indeed helps, thanks Tim.

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